Annonser från BloggPartner
DATE: 2010-07-26 / FILED UNDER: Rare videos

Emily Osment pratar om Justin

I slutet snackar hon lite om Justin, haha "touch the hair!" ^^
Tack Amandra för tipset!

Name: Lisa Hallgren

Hi Justin !!!! My name is Lisa and I am eigth years old. I just LOVE Your songs. I live in Skövde ,Sweden. I speak swedish and a little english, my telephone no is 419494... Please call me I love You

Date:2010-10-31 - Time:21:43:22
Name: lisa hallgren


hello justin ilove you video i8 year

i will meet you

ello justin, i love you video. i 8 year.

Date:2010-11-01 - Time:17:53:04
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