Vanity Fair "rakade bort" Justin's ögonbryn!

O My Lord, He is f'cking cute, I hopes he comes to England, I have all hes CD´s, When he comes a can say to hem That he has lot of fans in sweden, so he now that
O My Lord, He is f'cking cute, I hopes he comes to England, I have all hes CD´s, When he comes a can say to hem That he has lot of fans in sweden, so he now that
grrrrr, såhääär snygg man får vara!!<33
lite onödigt att ta bort hans ögonbryn??
till anonym: lär dig engelska INNAN du skriver engelska 2 fel "When he comes a can say to hem" 1. det ska vara "When he comes I can" asså I istället för a och inte "HEM" utan "HIM"